So... I had planned a very pleasant evening at the garage - just me and my bike. So what if it is Christmas??? Santa finds me from garage also! There were two things... or actually three things I had to do: open those damn screws, detach both side panels and the air filter. One side panel has a nasty crack on it - needs fixing. And the air filter needs cleaning.
This time I had CRC to make the screws do what they should - open. And so they did!!! Felt so good :) But then started the frustration... Air filter was not where I thought it would be! Hmh... Side panels were easy part, after getting the screws open. But the air filter... Of course manuals are not for reading... or are they???
Well... maybe they are. Somehow I had thougt that small black box under saddle would be the air filter. It was not. It should be right behind the carburetor, I was told. Good information, but where IS the carburetor??? I really don't have a clue what carburetor looks like. Really... the manual!!! I started missing it - a lot. And the frustration grows. (At this point it would be an excellent time for a beer break.)
To be short. After spending couple of hours trying to guess where the air filter is, getting soooo frustrated, I had to give up and swear that the manual really is worth reading.
The air filter was NOT here.

Too many moving and non-moving parts... The manual - I need you!

Fortunately the crack is now fixed :)