So... What do motorbikers wear? LEATHER!!! That is something I've learned as a child: If you have a motorbike, you have leather clothing. Although quite many opinions seemed to be against leather and in favour of goretex clothing, it really didn't matter. For me - there is only leather.
Now... why on earth motorbikers want to wear mainly black clothing??? This is a puzzle still unsolved. It seemed almost impossible to find other colors besides black. I managed to find white and pink jackets. Latter one is a no-no. White would have been perfect! But I had to compromize... byääää!!! Since at that moment at that shope the jackets were too small. And for my impatient nature it is impossible to wait or go to several other shops.
So black it is. BLACK LEATHER. Sounds actually quite goooooood....

OOPS... Wrong picture :)

Boots are still to be bought. So the fun part is still to be continued...
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